viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

My favorite piece of technology

Hi eureka`s friends, How you doing?
In this occasion I’m going to write about my favorite piece of technology.
My favorite piece of technology is my Ipad 2, this Ipad was a present of my parents of my graduation of the high school, I really appreciate this present because it helps me in a lot of thing that Im going to mention.
One of the reasons of this is because is light and portable, so I can bring it to the university and takes notes, search things in google and also play some games that I installed. But another reason is because I upload photos of my vacations, I can take photos where ever I am, I can see movies and series on Netflix or on other platforms, truly is a very useful piece of technology, and you can be always connected to the internet like today is demanded. This things likes tablets or Ipads are every day more important and are part of our life.

I hope you like my favorite piece of technology and comment if you have a tablet or and Ipad, see you soon.

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