viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

An interenting animal

Since I was a child most of the animals grabbed my attention, in especial bats. This liitle animal it´s the only flying mammalian, there are others flying mammalian but they are clasificated like passive flyers and bat it´s the only active flyer mammalian.
Bats had the strange habit of sleeping hanging leg; they maintain their fur very clean licking their body every day.
Bats are the most numerous mammalians in the world, with like a 1000 different species and they live in dark and safe places where they can get easy food and water without predators.
These animals usually eat insects and fruits, however there is a littler amount of bats that feed himself drinking blood from another animals and they are called vampires. But don’t get afraid, this “vampires” only drink the blood from big birds, horses, cows, pigs etc; and they don’t bite, they make little’s injuries cutting they skin while the animals are sleeping and then they drink the blood. Something important is that bats aren’t blind they had a very bad vision but they complement it with ultrasound waves.
Bats have very edge teeth’s with 4 fangs that have the function of tear and cut their food.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

A photograph that I like

Hi Eureka`s today I will show you a photo that I like so much.
It is a photo with my girlfriend that was taken in my party school graduation in Hotel Antofagasta, in Antofagasta by the official photographer called Fernando Ojeda a very nice photographer that offer us a session of photos for free, but we refused because we were a little bit shy.
I love this photo because it was so especial stayed with my girlfriend in my party school graduation and that picture express our feelings and love.
The background of the photo is beautiful with color purple and pink with the palm tree and my girlfriend with her dress and me with my suit gives the photo a very nice look.
I liked so much this photo that I gave her this photo in a very cute frame like a present for her birthday with another surprise. 

Comment below about the photo and if you liked it, see you next time!

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015


It's true, there are many abilities that human never manages to overcome , or conversely , he is very able to successfully manage them. Everyone of us have our own abilities, the ones we don't really care, the ones we are not good at, but, there are the ones that are very easy for us to handle, that save our lives every day, in little things, the ones that we usually like. It depends on the person, obviously, we all have our favorite ones, but I do believe there's one ability that controls all the rest of them. It's the ability to handle our emotions. This ability suggests learning to navigate the world of emotions and feelings , achieving greater harmony with ourselves and the emotional world of others. I believe this one ability is on top of the others, for example, if you have the ability to create; to be really good at the creation of things, the ability to be a leader, to run a company, to work with children, to help other people's issues, to have a big responsibility on your back, most of the time this ability will be affected by your emotions, people really struggle when they are having a bad time in their hearts, they don't concentrate, focus, that's why I think people that can separate their personal lives from work, or whatever important things they have to do, they can either forget about the heartache, or use emotion to enhance other abilities, like many writers, song-writers, creators, etc, do.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

My dream job

Hello my friend, i have been absent last time, but I came back to write about my dream job
I`m actually studying dentistry but if I had to choose a dream job (I`m not saying that dentistry isn`t one of my dream job) I chose quad racer, because since I`m a kid, I had always loved quads, I like the sound of the motor, the acceleration, the speed and their agility.
My first quad and only was a present from my parent in
Christmas of 2009 and I was so happy and excited, It was a yamaha raptor 2010 250cc. The next day, after Christmas we went to ride it and I loved everything of riding a quad, at the beginning I was a little shy with the quad but with the passing of time I was more comfortable with the quad and I could jump, ride fast in the hills and raced some races with my friends, but I never could ride semiprofessionals races  but I would love it. If I had decided to be a quad racer maybe I would be the best because be a quad racer is something that excited me lot.

Well that`s all my friends, comment bellow what is your dream job and if you liked my dream job.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

My favorite piece of technology

Hi eureka`s friends, How you doing?
In this occasion I’m going to write about my favorite piece of technology.
My favorite piece of technology is my Ipad 2, this Ipad was a present of my parents of my graduation of the high school, I really appreciate this present because it helps me in a lot of thing that Im going to mention.
One of the reasons of this is because is light and portable, so I can bring it to the university and takes notes, search things in google and also play some games that I installed. But another reason is because I upload photos of my vacations, I can take photos where ever I am, I can see movies and series on Netflix or on other platforms, truly is a very useful piece of technology, and you can be always connected to the internet like today is demanded. This things likes tablets or Ipads are every day more important and are part of our life.

I hope you like my favorite piece of technology and comment if you have a tablet or and Ipad, see you soon.

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

My favorite holiday

Hi again my friends, in this opportunity I`m going to talk about my favorite holiday which was this year in January on a cruise, this cruise was so big and it wasn`t expensive the most expensive things was the plane tickets to USA. This cruise had so many things to do like a swim pool, climbing wall, tennis court, baby football, restaurants and much more things.

But the real reason why I choose this travel like my favorite was because it was my first time travelling in a cruise and it was amazing visit different countries in seven days.

The cruise it lasted seven days and during those seven days we traveled to Grand Cayman, Jamaica, The Bahamas. My favorite country was Jamaica the persons were nice and kind, we did a tour in catamaran to different beaches and in one of them we ate one of the best foods in our travel.

That’s all my friends comment below what do you think about cruises and if sometime you want to travel in one. Bye!