Since I was
a child most of the animals grabbed my attention, in especial bats. This liitle
animal it´s the only flying mammalian, there are others flying mammalian but
they are clasificated like passive flyers and bat it´s the only active flyer
Bats had
the strange habit of sleeping hanging leg; they maintain their fur very clean
licking their body every day.
Bats are the most numerous mammalians in the world, with like a 1000 different species and they live in dark and safe places where they can get easy food and water without predators.
These animals usually eat insects and fruits, however there is a littler amount of bats that feed himself drinking blood from another animals and they are called vampires. But don’t get afraid, this “vampires” only drink the blood from big birds, horses, cows, pigs etc; and they don’t bite, they make little’s injuries cutting they skin while the animals are sleeping and then they drink the blood. Something important is that bats aren’t blind they had a very bad vision but they complement it with ultrasound waves.
Bats have very edge teeth’s with 4 fangs that have the function of tear and cut their food.
Bats are the most numerous mammalians in the world, with like a 1000 different species and they live in dark and safe places where they can get easy food and water without predators.
These animals usually eat insects and fruits, however there is a littler amount of bats that feed himself drinking blood from another animals and they are called vampires. But don’t get afraid, this “vampires” only drink the blood from big birds, horses, cows, pigs etc; and they don’t bite, they make little’s injuries cutting they skin while the animals are sleeping and then they drink the blood. Something important is that bats aren’t blind they had a very bad vision but they complement it with ultrasound waves.
Bats have very edge teeth’s with 4 fangs that have the function of tear and cut their food.