miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

People`s Vice

Today the people are getting worse habits, like smoke, drink alcohol, consume more sugar etc.
I`m going to focus in people who smoke, they say “it`s just one, it will not affect me” but they say that every time and smoke like 5 to 10 cigarettes per day not just damaging this lungs, also his teeth’s, gum`s, tongue, directly.
 The smoke can cause gingivitis, retraction of the gum`s, mouth cancer. I recommend to that people to think what they are doing every time they are smoking, the auto injuring. This people need to stop their vice and visit an dentist to know all the auto damage they have done and start a treatment.

I, like 99,99% of people, have a bad habit. I smoke ganja frequently, I cant consume foods without sugar and I drink alcohol like every week end.